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· nelly. ·

You are probably wondering why my blog is named Nelly Travels. My Mom was born Maria Nelly Carrasco Ganoza in Chiclayo, Peru. She moved to Lima, Peru and was raised by her sister, Carmela in a cute little house in Miraflores.  Nelly  became a flight attendant and traveled the world. She married my Dad and…


· The 5/4/3/2/1 rule for packing for a week. ·

The challenge in packing for a trip is not only finding room for all your clothes but also fitting your shoes and toiletries. This is no easy feat! At least not for me. I’m not sure why but I think it has something to do with wanting to bring my whole bathroom with me. By…

Hello Friends.

· I am Jenny. ·


I am Jenny. I am a happy wife to Ryan and a Mom to two beautiful teenage girls that are both taller and sassier than me. They keep me busy and have given me every gray hair on my head. I am also a sister and a daughter and help my awesome 84 year old…

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