Happy April Fool’s Day, my friends! My husband loves April Fool’s Day, I think it may be his favorite holiday and he spends days, maybe even months, scheming as to how he is going to play a joke on us all.
Last year, he bought 9 mini alarm clocks and hid them all over the house and left to go out of town at 5am. The first alarm clocks started waking us up at 6am and when I say he hid them, I mean he spent hours trying to find the best hiding spots for them all. So, if you can imagine being in a deep sleep, it’s pitch black and there’s some horrible alarm going off near you and not knowing where in the world this loud buzzing noise is coming from and you are half asleep searching your room to find it and tripping and cursing and then 10 minutes later, lights turned on, you finally find the stupid alarm hidden underneath the bed in a box. Phew, you turn it off, turn off the lights, cuddle back into your cozy bed, fall back asleep and then 15 minutes later another horrible alarm goes off somewhere nearby and the same cycle starts over again. OMG. By the time I was up and realized what was happening to me, the same thing was happening to the kids.

We all found a few alarm clocks in each of our rooms and we thought the whole nightmare was over, but little did we know that that was just the beginning of the joke. Needless to say, after I got the sleepy kids off to school, I went back home in search for more alarm clocks. I found one more in my room and one more in Isa’s room. That was all I could could find and knowing Ryan’s relentless pursuit of April Fools jokes, I knew there were a few more.
This was war for me. I called him at 2pm and he was laughing hysterically at our disaster of a morning. I was NOT laughing. In our sleep deprived morning, Lola had left assignments at home which meant I had to make more trips to the school to save her. After a few minutes begging for the rest of the location of the other alarm clocks and not getting any information, I gave up but I knew there were more. I called him back at 4pm and announced that if he did not give me the details of all the alarm clocks in the house, the kids and I were going to check into the Ritz Carlton to spend the night at a low low rate of $850/night. He had one hour to give up the locations. By 5pm he called and all alarm clocks were found and we had a good nights sleep (the other alarms were set to go off between 9 and 11pm that night! Omg!).
This morning I woke up to the whole house plastered with pictures of a man all over the house. He’s on most every Corona Virus memes out there. I am horrified by the picture because it is usually x-rated. My husband thinks it’s hilarious. Thankfully, Ryan posted the PG version of this man all over the house. He is everywhere. He’s in the utensil drawer, on all my pictures, on all mirrors, in my drawers, on my plants, in the microwave, you name it, Mr. Naked man is there. Slowly, I take the pics down and tape them all over Ryan’s things: on his deodorant, desk, pictures, etc. It’s sweet revenge and this back and forth will last for weeks.

So, a few years ago, Ryan put super snaps underneath our toilet seats and literally scared the living daylights out of all of us. We did not forget this and a year later, Isa, Lola and I went out at midnight while Ryan was asleep and covered all his car windows in sticky notes. We had a blast doing it, we were out there for hours giggling and laughing and making a mess out of his car. We snuck back into the house and went to sleep. The next day Ryan called in the morning and reported being super embarrassed because just as he was peeling off each sticker one by one, a neighbor drove by and looked at him funny. He was late getting to the office. Mission accomplished and we all got a good laugh out of it.

In these difficult times, it’s good to find some time to laugh with your family. I hope you do something fun and funny with your family that gets a smile on everyone’s faces. What are some of the things you have done or have been done to you for April Fool’s Day? Please share so we can all have a few more laughs! So much love to you all, please stay home and stay healthy. Love always, Jenny ❤️